Reveal, which uses temperature sensitive inks to engage consumers before, during and after beverage consumption, is an interactive technology developed by Crown Bevcan Europe & Middle East’s in-house Design Studio team. Using specially developed inks, which have been formulated in partnership with Chromatic Technologies, Inc. (CTI), graphics can change to ‘reveal’ specific imagery and messaging as the cold product inside...

Read the full article: Crown’s New Temperature Sensitive Inks Help Brands Improve Consumer Engagement

IMDA Excellence in Decorating Awards 2016
CROWN Bevcan Europe and Middle East facilitated Bevog’s first progression into beverage cans. The Austrian craft brewer chose to work with Crown based on the team’s experience of translating existing labels into 360-degree artwork for use on the more versatile metal packaging format. The packaging was recognized with wins in IMDA’s “Best of” Category for Craft Cans as well as...

Read the full article: Crown Leads Clean Sweep at the International Metal Decorators Association Excellence in Decorating Awards

Canmaker "Can of the Year" Awards 2016
CROWN Beverage Packaging North America won the top award for the InnoValve™ can used by La Colombe for the launch of its Draft Latte coffee in the U.S. earlier this year. Crown’s InnoValve™ can was created for textured beverages and melds the company’s aerosol and beverage technologies. The 10oz sleek style can is comprised of a proprietary one-way valve/grommet at...

Read the full article: Crown Wins Can of the Year 2016 and Silver in the ‘Ends, Caps and Closures’ Category of the Canmaker ‘Cans of the Year’ Awards

World Beverage Innovation Awards 2016
London Beer Factory became the first UK brewer to adopt Crown’s 360 End ® technology. Founder Sim Cotton said: “We’re thrilled at the international recognition our cans are receiving and for the positive feedback we have had from customers about the 360 End®. Crown’s first-rate guidance and support throughout the manufacturing process was invaluable and serves as a testament to...

Read the full article: CROWN Bevcan Europe and Middle East Wins ‘Best Can or Alubottle’ Trophy at the World Beverage Innovation Awards