Crown Achieves Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI) Certification for Its Brazilian Operations

Yardley, PA – October 29, 2021 – The Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI) has certified Crown Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: CCK) (Crown) ( against the ASI Performance Standard for responsible production, sourcing and stewardship of aluminum with a focus on material stewardship. The Standard, which assesses and confirms the ethicality of metal packaging production activities within Crown’s Brazil operations, advances the Company’s progress within its Twentyby30 sustainability program and supports its customers in their own responsible sourcing goals.
As a not-for-profit standards setting and certification organization, ASI works to define environmental, social and governance principles and criteria, with the aim to address sustainability issues in the aluminum value chain. In addition to creating a benchmark for the industry, the organization’s efforts around the ASI Performance Standard include: establishing requirements that can be independently audited to provide objective evidence for the granting of ASI Certification; reinforcing and promoting consumer and stakeholder confidence in aluminum; and serving as a broader reference for the establishment and improvement of responsible production, sourcing and material stewardship initiatives in metals supply chains. Utilizing these measures, ASI’s ultimate mission is to recognize and collaboratively foster responsible production, sourcing and stewardship of aluminum.
Fiona Solomon, Chief Executive Officer at ASI said, “We warmly congratulate Crown Holdings, Inc. on achieving ASI Performance Standard Certification at all of its six Crown Brazil production units. Recyclability makes the aluminium beverage can one of the best representations of the circular economy, and Brazil has achieved rates of 97.4% can recycling in 2020. Crown Brazil’s ASI Certification adds additional assurance to their customers of their responsible production practices.”
To receive certification against the ASI Performance Standard, Crown Brazil completed independent third-party auditing by ASI accredited auditors DNV BUSINESS ASSURANCE SERVICES UK LTD to verify systems and performance maintained compliance with Standard parameters. Beyond meeting the required criteria, Crown Brazil elevated commitments within its biodiversity and human rights impact assessment programs—all with the goal of fostering more conscientious systems within its operations. These efforts reflect the Company’s work within the Never Compromise pillar of its Twentyby30 sustainability program, which focuses on responsible and ethical sourcing.
“Receiving the ASI Performance Standard certification for our Brazil operations helps solidify the structure and sustainability of our own value chain for metal packaging, which already serves as the world's most responsible format,” said John Rost, Ph.D., Vice President, Global Sustainability and Regulatory Affairs at Crown. “We are proud to pair ethical sourcing methods with a product that so strongly promotes the circular economy and helps minimize the environmental impact of essential goods.”
“We are pleased to have successfully passed the ASI certification, a very important achievement and a proof of company's dedication and commitment reinforcing the strategic direction on our sustainability journey,” said Wilmar Arinelli, President of Crown Brazil. “Crown continues on the mission to create an impactful cycle – an opportunity to move beyond addressing regulatory and supply chain disruption risks caused by environmental, social and governance concerns.”
As a next step, Crown is working to receive the ASI Chain of Custody (CoC) Standard in Brazil, which will complement its ASI Performance Standard and reinforce the Company’s compliance around responsible sourcing policies, anti-corruption, human rights due diligence and conflict-affected and high-risk areas. Efforts are also underway to achieve ASI Certification within Crown’s Mexican, Asian and Europe/Middle Eastern operations.
To learn more about Crown’s efforts around responsible sourcing and its larger Twentyby30 program, visit
About Crown Holdings, Inc.
Crown Holdings, Inc., through its subsidiaries, is a leading global supplier of rigid packaging products to consumer marketing companies, as well as transit and protective packaging products, equipment and services to a broad range of end markets. World headquarters are located in Yardley, Pennsylvania. For more information, visit
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For editorial inquiries: Mallory Schindler, Associate Vice President, FINN Partners; Tel: (212) 529-2634; Email: