Aluminum Beverage Can Manufacturers Ardagh Metal Packaging and Crown Holdings Provide Funding for Leases to Spur Additional Can Capture Equipment in Recycling Facilities

An infographic titled "Can Missortation Testing at Three Diverse Recycling Facilities Found:" with three large aluminum cans below the title. The first can, labeled "Can Manufacturers Institute" reads, "Aluminum Beverage Cans Missorted Every Minute: Between 7 and 36, per point of missortation." The second can, labeled "Can Manufactureres Institute" reads, "Average Annual Revenue Loss: $71,900, per point of missortation." The third can, labeled "Can Manufactures Institute" reads, "Average Payback Period of Can Capture Equipment: 3 Years." Text to the right of the cans clarifies that, "This testing was conducted in March and April 2022 and comes from collecting data at five areas of loss at three MRFs." Below this text are the logos for Ardagh Metal Packaging and Crown Cork and Seal, with the text "Funded by." A URL on the right-hand side of the infographic points viewers to visit
WASHINGTON, DC -- June 21, 2022 -- As part of a concerted effort to increase aluminum beverage can recycling, Ardagh Metal Packaging (AMP) and Crown Holdings (Crown), working with its trade organization Can Manufacturers Institute (CMI), are providing financing for leases of can capture equipment for recycling facilities. While continuing to offer grants as the two aluminum can manufacturers funded last year, the lease option allows material recovery facilities (MRFs) to receive equipment at no cost and pay it off through the additional cans captured with the equipment.