can of beer being poured into a glass

What’s Brewing in the Craft Beer Industry?

Publish Date
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Crown Beverage Packaging North America exhibited at this year’s Craft Brewers Conference – the industry’s largest gathering of professionals –in Washington, D.C. It was another great show! Our primary goal was to ‘let the cans do the talking’ by showcasing the many inherent benefits that beverage cans offer. Crown’s booth was situated as a creative hub inside the convention center...

Read the full article: What’s Brewing in the Craft Beer Industry?

Philadelphia, PA – April 3, 2017. CROWN Beverage Packaging, North America, a unit of Crown Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: CCK) (Crown) (, is proud to offer best wishes to long-time metal packaging partner, family-owned Moosehead Breweries, on the occasion of 150 years in business, an anniversary that also happens to coincide with Canada’s own sesquicentennial. “Moosehead and the Oland family...

Read the full article: CROWN Beverage Packaging Congratulates Moosehead Breweries on 150 Years of Family Brewing

Young man enjoying a beverage outdoors

The Case for Cans and Craft Brew

Publish Date
Monday, April 3, 2017
Metal cans are increasingly popular vessels for craft beer, so much so that nearly 500 craft beer brewers nationwide use aluminum cans to package more than 1,700 different beers. 1 And there is still more growth to come. If you’re a craft brewer thinking about making the shift to metal packaging, here are some facts about the value of the...

Read the full article: The Case for Cans and Craft Brew

The global organic food and beverage market has been growing at an astounding rate and is projected to be valued at $211.44 billion by 2020. As part of the movement towards greater health and wellness, consumers are redefining the meaning of “healthy” and increasingly opting for more natural and organic foods as well as gluten- and allergen-free options. Metal packaging...

Read the full article: The Value of Metal Packaging for Health and Wellness Brands